Black Rat Traders
Welcome aboard, me hearties!
The Black Rat Traders participated in Live Action Role Play (LARP) events organised by the Lorien Trust between 2005 and 2010.
The majority of the site content is "In Character".
The Black Rat Traders took their name from their ship, a man-o-war with 74 artillery pieces. Formerly an Empire naval vessel, the crew took control in a mutiny led by Rovalan. They also had the use of a brigantine with 24 ballistae and catapults captured in an engagement.
Last captained by Telbar Yug, the crew plided the open seas as privateers, free traders and hired swords. They had dual motivations: good times and profit.
The crew motto was "Where we go one, we go all".
Click here for some very silly photos!
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