The symbol of The Brotherhood of Night

The Brotherhood of Night originally consisted of refugees of various surface nationalities who were fleeing persecution and the law back in the mists of time. Out of a sizeable band of refugees that entered Underdark to flee their persecutors, only seven reached the place the Brotherhood of Night inhabits today. There they made a final stand and when things looked doomed the Daemon Tomakai appeared and feasted upon the flesh of the attackers.

The seven swore themselves and their descendants to the worship of the demons of Chaos, and foremost of these, Tomakai - The Lord of Anarchy. They used their newly acquired home as a base and hired themselves out of mercenaries to anyone that would pay and offer a chance for battle and mayhem. Other refugees joined. The only requirements were to worship chaos in one of its many shapes and to be able to survive.

The descendants of the original seven founders formed seven clans. Following a civil war, an agreement was made to abolish the clans and form under one banner for once and for all, serving under one clan, one house and one name: the Brotherhood of Night.

How exactly the Brotherhood works as a society is somewhat of a mystery, as there are no courts, no laws and no secular militia of any kind. It is seemingly an oligarchy ruled by a council. There is also a Parliament of Chaos, whose purpose remains unclear but when working occasionally acts as an advisory body to the Council. There are no elections to the Parliament and members come and go as they please. Outside the Underdark and the Brotherhood's homeland, the aspect most are familiar with is the Embassy to the Surface. This is a small group of the most powerful members of the Brotherhood of Night who attend those great international events The Gathering, the Great Erdrejan Fayre and the two Moots.