
Ty-Kharn is a back-stabbing Drow with a twisted soul and the darkest of hearts. Though trained to become a master archer, he prefers close combat, especially from behind. Aligned with Chaos, he currently resides in House Grey, who adopted him out of sympathy both for his poverty (he cannot even afford weapons, or arrows for his bow) and his eternal questing.

His life is devoted to a twofold search. Firstly, he seeks for any remnants of the House he was born into, lost after their fall in the year 1370 of the Drow calendar. Once, House Arabani, rulers of the city of Sshamath and holders of the Jacinth Rose, were a great and noble House. Reluctant to sell their best wares to non-Drow in the Dark Weaving Bazaar of Sshamath, they are a Great House no more.

Ty-Kharn's second, and more personal quest, is for his Val-Sharess and daughter who escaped Sshamath with his half-brother. Still recognised as noble, Ty-Kharn hopes one day to resurrect House Arabani.

Ty-Kharn's motto is:

"We hide in the Shadows
to plot the Darkness to come."

As a dedicated follower of Lolth, Ty-Kharn prays alone, in silence, to the Queen of Queens and no other.

"Tuth Velve Lueth
Qu'lith ilta Orn."