We are C.o.C.
Deathman was the ultimate barbarian, and had picked up the moniker "the Unkillable" due to his surviving the innumerable battles he had been in - until the last. A pirate captain, he lived for Chaos, and was a fervent worshipper of the Chaos Ancestors, Crom and Sithis.
Deathman was Master of Das Krakenfodder, named after the fate that befell a former comrade, Facesmasher. He was also the war leader of The Scourge in land battles and coastal raids. Das Krakenfodder had sails made from flayed skin and skulls dangling from the rigging. A galley crewed by Berserkers, her hull bled constantly and groaned with the cries of damned souls. She was equipped with an iron ram decorated with the beak of a dead kraken. The rest of its carcass was draped and nailed along her timbers. She was permanently surrounded by a school of sharks.
Deathman was utterly unpredictable, and was known to plunge into a melee with no idea who the combatants were and what they were fighting over! He was quite taciturn, and often pronounced "Such is the nature of Chaos" or "Crom wills it" when something unexpected occured, be it at Deathman's instigation or not.
He wore black armour, richly decorated with gems, the marks of Chaos and offerings to Crom, red pantaloons and Chaos-etched kirtle. Sometimes he donned a black helmet with a hinged visor and red feathers, at other times he swapped this for a terrifying war mask.
Deathman had access to a variety of weapons, which he picked according to his whim. They included his double-headed battleaxes, Wrath and Ruin, cutlasses known as The Fangs and throwing knives. Blows from them ignored armour and passed straight through it. As a member of the Armourers' Guild, he was able to forge and reforge enchanted armour.
When The Scourge became members of the Tarantula nation in 1124, Deathman was made General of that nation's armies. In the great tripartite battle on the Sunday of The Gathering, he led the Tarantulas to a decisive victory. Flushed with success, he volunteered to join the most doughty Tarantula warriors on a mission back to the Underdark to confront and destroy that malign entity known as The Betrayer. It was there Deathman met his end to petrification – his own stone body a statue in his memory.
Shorn of Deathman's strong leadership, Das Krakenfodder's ship's company fell to internecine fighting for her mastery, slaughtering each other to the last being vying for dominance. Crewless, she eventually foundered on rocks and broke up, the corpses aboard her being eaten by the accompanying sharks, before they themselves devoured each other in an orgy of cannibalism.