We are C.o.C.
Dead Drox
Drox was a Scourge Captain. Before joining The Scourge, he was First Mate aboard another pirate vessel unaffiliated to them. Frustrated by that captain and crew's lack of ambition, he approached Deathman, Mercurius and Madboots, petitioning to join them. After proving himself, he was told he could, and became sworn to The Scourge.
Drox was Oathsworn to the Armourers Guild, and, as a Weaponsmith, could fabricate both non-magical and magical instruments of war. That his oaths had no value was proven in 1124, when he committed an act of betrayal so vile that, to this day, even to utter it within earshot of any of The Scourge captains invites summary execution.
The treachery discovered, the turncoat found himself turned upon. The other Scourge vessels fell upon Drox's ship, the Gray Wolf, like ravening wolves themselves. As the Gray Wolf was boarded, most of her crew sided against their perfidious captain. Those that did not were nailed to her timbers and the Gray Wolf herself was fired. Drox himself was taken aboard Madboots Marly's vessel, Das Boot, in chains.
Summarily found guilty by The Scourge captains of betrayal and of breaking the Pirates' Code, they decided that the only penalty that Drox deserved for his crimes was one worse than death. Using his Corruption skills, Madboots slew him... and raised him again as Undead, to spend eternity enslaved aboard Das Boot. Despised even by the other Undead crew on that ship, they immediately stripped the flesh from his still-warm Undead corpse, leaving him as he is now: Dead Drox, the skeletal shadow of the being he once was.
Dead Drox's only companion is the sole survivor of the burning of the Gray Wolf, a somewhat singed rat that floated to Das Boot and expired as soon as it set foot on deck. Seeing it, Madboots decided he might as well Corrupt that, too, so that it might torment Dead Drox by forever whispering to him of the act that had laid him low.
Dead Drox is brought to the great events of Erdreja not as a member of The Scourge war band, but to be paraded as a stark reminder of the consequences of earning their wrath.