
Madzinas was originally Madboots Marly's First Mate, hailing from northern Teutonia, as evidenced by his accent. At The Gathering of 1118, he was made a Scourge Captain and awarded his own ship, the Velnio Salota, in recognition of his service. Velnio Salota is constantly enveloped in a green haze of pungent, poisonous gas which causes confusion in any enemy attempting a boarding. Strange, unhealthy-looking, frond-like plants cling to cracks and indentations in the superstructure and hull. These are harvested by Madzinas and used by Corruptors in his employ to bend the crew to his will.

Of wiry build, he is brown haired and red bearded, with long moustaches. He has intricate tattoos on his inner forearms.

Madzinas typically wears a red tunic, striped pantaloons and black sea-boots, with a floppy tricorn atop his head. For protection, he wears a knee length, sleeveless studded leather coat and a wide belt at his waist. Other armour includes a steel breastplate and leather vambraces and poleyns. His weapon of choice is a two-handed greatsword that he keeps in a back scabbard. He has healing as well as martial ability.

It is believed that Madzinas was the only other living crew member on Madboots' ship, apart from Madboots himself.