We are C.o.C.
Mercurius Stark
Mercurius is both Captain and Purser of the Lunar Storm, placing him in full control of the vessel. Unlike most pirate vessels, where the Purser commands day-to-day with the Captain taking over during combat, ultimate authority over the Lunar Storm is undisputable. Piracy and Chaos are etched into his very being, as evidenced by the tattoos on his upper arms. He also commands The Scourge in battles at sea. Expertise in nocturnal covert manoeuvres, often involving kidnappings or more permanent 'disappearances', have earned Mercurius the affectionate nickname 'Mister Sneaky Stabby'.
Upon the death of the previous Captain, Mercurius was voted in to the position by the crew by virtue of his hardiness in a fight and his mastery of tactical thinking. When the Lunar Storm's Purser was caught committing the heinous crime of fiddling the ledgers (he was selling ship's stores and pocketing the profit) and subsequently marooned with a bottle of rum and a dagger, the crew made Mercurius the replacement as he had uncovered the treachery. He has a naturally taciturn, suspicious nature, but is a good companion to those he knows. Mercurius is also Admiral of the pan-faction Pirates League, whose members are all Chaos following buccaneers.
Mercurius' ship, Lunar Storm, is a lightning-fast frigate. She is lean, black sailed and black timbered, her wood and iron darkened by the soot of the ships that she and her fellows have plundered and fired. Grotesques and other hideous carvings make her look like a floating mausoleum. Her ratlines are made from the long-bones of those foolish enough not to surrender to her depradations. The ship's bell is made from the gladius (cuttlebone) of the kraken that killed a former comrade, while the hooks on her boarding platforms are dragon claws. Strange, spiral shells that Mercurius Stark has dubbed the "Yow-Yows" are fitted to the outer ends of her yards. With the narrow ends unplugged and at speed, these emit an unearthly cacophony of howling noises which are truly terrifying when the Lunar Storm is masked by rain, mist or fog. In calms or light winds, the "Yow-Yows" are sounded by Air Elementals controlled by Dark Incantors amongst the crew. The Air Elementals also drive the ship along when needed. The Lunar Storm numbers Calico and Billy Bones amongst her crew.
Mercurius is physically tough, and also ambidextrous. He is armed with a dagger, Mr. Sneaky, which he keeps in a back-scabbard, and an enchanted seax called Waspbane which he wields in his right hand. As a primary weapon in his left hand, he alternates between Basket Case, an elaborately hilted and decorated longsword, and Venom, a beautifully balanced blade with a hand-and-a-half hilt. Mercurius can strike through armour as if it does not exist with these blades. They cannot be broken, nor can Mercurius be compelled to drop them. He has significant healing abilities with which he can back up his fighting prowess, including a magical orb which cures all injuries. It is known that Mercurius carries a flask of enchanted liquid; however he is cagey about its power or purpose. Most mundane offensive spellcastings aimed at him have no effect, and blades enspelled to pass through armour will fail in the attempt.
At the Gathering in 1119, Basket Case, still warm from being repowered in the Armourers' Guild forge, was devoured by magic-eating monsters and had to be completely remade.
Mercurius wears medium leather armour. In daylight, he favours a blood-red tunic, a studded leather waistcoat with a black tailcoat over, and a tricorn. At night, for camouflage and to deal with the increasing danger, he opts for a black tunic, with full leather armour and helm.